Apple Scones

Gluten Free

What makes these tender, fluffy gluten-free apple recipe the best? This easy, no fail apple scones are simple for a novice to pull off, but has the taste and texture of a high-end bakery treat."

– Mamagourmand


GF Flour Sugar Baking Powder Cinnamon | Butter Apples  Butterscotch Chips Sour Cream Eggs | Vanilla Extract Milk | Powdered Sugar

In a large bowl, mix together the dry ingredients. Use a fork, fingers, or pastry blender to mix the butter throughout.

Let's Make It!

Mix the wet ingredients together in a small bowl. Stir in the butterscotch chips and chopped apples, then wet ingredients.

Place the dough onto a greased baking sheet and pat into a large, thick disc.

Cut the disc into triangles, spread apart, and then brush with milk and sprinkle tops with sugar.

Bake until the scones are golden brown. If desired, mix together the optional glaze and spoon on top of the baked scones.

How Should I Store Leftovers?

They may be kept in an airtight container at room temperature up to 2 days, but will lose optimal taste and texture quickly. Refrigerating will dry out the scones, and is not recommended.

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