Stuffed Pepper Soup

Stuffed Pepper Soup recipe makes the perfect easy, comfort food meal for weeknight dinners. Everyone gobbles up this family favorite version full of bell peppers, rice, ground beef, and a flavorful tomato base.

– Mamagourmand


Ground Beef Onion | Garlic Bell Pepper | Tomato Sauce Diced Tomatoes Beef Broth Brown Sugar Italian Seasoning Garlic Powder Instant Rice

In a large pot, cook the ground beef, onions and garlic. Once the beef is cooked through, drain the pot.

Let's Make It!

Add in the remaining ingredients, except for the rice, and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and allow to simmer.

Add in the instant rice and continue to simmer until rice is cooked. Then season to taste and serve.

Can I Freeze Leftovers?

Yes! But if you freeze the soup with the rice in it, the rice will absorb the liquid and make the soup thicker. Once thawed, you will have to add additional water, beef broth, or tomato sauce to thin it back out.

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